Monday, October 29, 2012


29th of October and skies roll on blue
Distance divide and frame the view.
Who is one that one believes themselves to be?
Or one who is buried under beliefs debris?

A new frame, a full moon and actions come soon
even this play is distracted by what must be done

Monday, October 22, 2012


The morrow has come as yesterday too has sprung,
for now is young and today will soon be woven
in memories now unfolding within silent dreams unspoken.

What is sunrise but perceptions of mine I
seeing what I am willing to believe and conceive
leaving deceit by all I disbelieve judging by eyes
alone whose conscious cataracts refract rays
whose astigmatism manifest fuzzy logic, mine
identity and

your reality this singular day.

All past and future present but don't mention
a life has only one dimension--this day alone.
All else is languages fruit and mental creation.

Rhys's creative play 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

In the great escape, horses get ill, tires go flat and then you just need to really stop and think where am I at?
The function of being still in a trained instinct to go has a lot of secret wisdom you will never know until you leave the flow by force or intent.
My nature "high strung" or "intense" by observers eyes, was given such a good break by a double take of two tires taken in out in two strokes that it forced me in to a stillness brief enough to be grasped and long enough for me to do the math.  I had traveled 163500 miles previously without a single prick of the rubber wall traveling as far away as Vermont and back again in summer and winter drive.  Now, however, I was alone and new to a community where my rugged individualist immunity had given me no impunity from such a long road of luck's continuity being ended by the air escaping the pressure vessels walls.
I was at a necessary standstill.  The 400 mile needless round trip from 53 to 60 and back again was a frivolous waste of panicked haste and getting caught in another's woeful paste trying to rescue and save the day; my rope once again was begin to fray.  Now I was needing rescue and soon a stranger became a friend who passed by.  I was open because I was broken and that is a small trinket of wisdom's token.  He gave me a lift and our errands became common as he took me to town to fix one of two tires since the spare still held air. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

7 days past-7 streams last

Seventh Day of a new arrangement upon a new engagement where mobile phone are inoperative and heaven aimed satellite is the only prayer for connection to the technological infection where human need for connection and communication can have its fill in seconds what use to take years or months.

I participated and was recipient of a miracle today as I learned gas stations aren't open on Sunday and no magnetic stripe could be read to feed the fuel needs of my truck on return from a family 250+ mile round trip. I awoke on "E" 15 plus miles from the gas station with a truck that can eat 1 gallon in 9 miles with a good load on the axle.  I was half way to my destination when I came across a truck in the dirt just across from El Morro monument with hazard lights flashing but no one standing around scratching their heads as to why Heyokah had moved the road as they went buy.  I soon found them just a bit further down the road trying to find those magical mobile waves so rare upon this mysterious ancient way.  My truck was operating on miracles vapors as I stopped to lend a hand.  I took a rider of the pair in to the cab since the gas station could equally have a tow truck as well as the fuel I so desperately needed. Valentino from Columbia climbed in and this man from urban Denver continued to pray the fumes would get us up the next hill and down the next to the gas station still out of view and more than a mile or two away.  He began telling me that he knew the driver was going to fall asleep but being polite didn't start a fight.  It was a tall Isuzu full of donated goods and the ground nearby is soft sand and in the straight line held like a runaway truck ramp the vehicle did not swerve or roll substantiating the claim the driver was asleep because such a view as the road disappearing would have caused an awake driver to try and return quickly to the road rolling the rig.